CST1620 C# Programming

Week 1

This week we install Microsoft Visual Studio.

We cover chapter 1 - A First Program Using C#, and chapter 2 - Using Data.

Watch the class lecture recording for the week. We do the install of Microsoft Visual Studio.

Homework Labs:

Lab MyInitials - due in one week

Write a console program named MyInitials that displays the intials of your name in dot matrix format. Most people should have at least three initials. You can use the chart provided below to help you with the dots.

Submit one thing to the D2L asssignment dropbox for this lab:
1) Screenshot your running program.

Here is a sample screenshot:

Lab Chap 2 Ex 13 MakeChange - due in one week

Write a program named MakeChange that calculates and displays the conversion of an entered number of dollars into currency denominations - twenties, tens, fives, and ones. For example, $113 is 5 twenties, 1 ten, 0 fives, and 3 ones.

My example - MakeChange.exe

Submit three things to the D2L dropbox for this lab:
1) Screenshot of your running program with data. Make sure you capture your entire desktop.
2) Screenshot of as much of your code as possible.
3) The entire solution folder as a ZIP file. This folder should contain your entire project and solution.


Sample entire desktop screenshot.