CST1620 C# Programming

Week 10

We cover chapter 11 in the book - Exception Handling

Watch the class lecture recording for the week. We do the in class exercise in the recording.

Homework Labs:

Chapter 11 Exercise 7 GuessAWordWithExceptionHandling (in class exercise) - example

Do the exercise we did in class demonstrating exception Handing.

Chapter 11 Exception Handing - Adv2FractionMath

Copy the project AdvFractionMath from the prior week. Using add exception handling to make the program robust so that no matter what input the user attempts to put into the text boxes, proper error messages come up. The program should not crash. The added code should include TryParse and try/catch.

Submit three things to the D2L dropbox for this lab:

1) Screenshot of your running program with data. Make sure you capture your entire desktop.
      The data I want you to use is 3 4/0 and 5  6abc/7.
2) Screenshot of as much of your code as possible.
3) The entire project folder as a ZIP file. This folder should contain your entire project and solution.