CST1620 C# Programming
Week 12
We cover chapter 13 in the book - Handling Events
Watch the class lecture recording for the week. We do a class exercise in the recording that you will need to finish for your homework.
Homework Labs:
Chapter 13 BankEvent (in class exercise)
Do the exercise we did in class demonstrating a custom event and event handler.
Chapter 13 GUI Events (in class exercise)
Do the exercise we did in class demonstrating different types of events (clicking, mouse clicks, mouse movement).
Chapter 13 Exercise 6 GuessANumber
Create a project names GuessANumber with a Form that contains guessing game with five RadioButtons numbered 1 through 5. Randomly choose one of the RadioButtons as the winning button. When the user clicks a RadioButton, display a message indicating whether the user is right.
Add a Label to the Form that provides a hint. When the user's mouse hovers over the label, notify the user of one RadioButton that is incorrect. After the user makes a selection, disable all the RadioButtons.
Note: Use your creativity as to how you think the GUI should look like.
Submit three things to the D2L dropbox for these labs:
1) Screenshot of your running program with data. Make sure you capture your entire desktop.
2) Screenshot of as much of your code as possible.
3) The entire project folder as a ZIP file. This folder should contain your entire project and solution.