CST1620 C# Programming

Week 9

We cover chapter 9 in the book - Inheritance.

Watch the class lecture recording for the week. We do the in class exercise in the recording.

Homework Labs:

AdvFractionMath - due in one week

AdvFractionMath - example

First complete what we did in class where we created a subclass MixedFraction from the Fraction parent class.
Then your assignment is to complete the other functions (subtract, multiply, and divide). 8pts
Also you need to do this:
Include a method called GetmString that returns a string that contains a Mixed Fraction in the usual display format such as "2 3/4" or "-9 6/11", etc. 2pts. Display this result in the GUI form.

Submit three things to the D2L dropbox for this lab:
1) Screenshot of your running program with data. The data I want you to use is 1 2/3 subtract -4 5/6.
Make sure you capture your entire desktop.
2) Screenshot of as much of your code as possible. In particular the subtraction code.
3) The entire project folder as a ZIP file. This folder should contain your entire project and solution.